The Fundamental Fundraising Plan Template

An example of a goal chart.

#1. Determine your nonprofit’s goals.

Use a goal chart when crafting your fundraising plan.

Lay out fundraising plan objectives with a goal chart.

When crafting your nonprofit’s fundraising plan, identify specific, tangible goals that will help your organization succeed in its mission. These goals should be achievable and should have an eye towards growth.

Use a goal chart as a visual aid during this process. By recording your objectives with this tool, you can revisit them later on when building your fundraising plan.

Do not just focus on fundraising benchmarks: set goals to help you grow your community, improve donor retention, increase the number of major gifts your acquire, etc. The more varied, the better.

With every goal you should also identify what obstacles may stand in the way of achieving it. These might be due to time constraints, budget, the nature of your organization, or any number of potential roadblocks.

An integral part of crafting your fundraising plan is settling on a budget. Your budget will ensure you don’t expend too much money while pursuing your fundraising goals.

Use findings from past campaigns to shape the budget for your fundraiser. For example, review the success of your last capital campaign or other major fundraising push to determine whether you allocated enough resources in your budget to achieve your goals.

Account for your income sources before allocating funding to your various expenses. One way to clarify where funding will come from is by crafting a budget chart. This chart should reflect:

  • Specific sources of income.
  • Specific expenses.
  • Income and expenses from previous fundraising drives.

With this information, your team can better decide whether or not an expense is reasonable for your budget and craft your fundraising plan to account for trends from past budgets.

Make sure your budget also has the flexibility to account for any unexpected circumstances that arise throughout your campaign. Your budget should be as detailed as possible to keep your team on track and ensure nothing is left to interpretation.

Finally, craft your budget to be forward-thinking and use past results to predict future outcomes. This practice helps you keep an eye on expansion and maintain a positive outlook on the future.

An example of a budget chart.

#2. Outline your nonprofit’s budget.

Use a budget chart to outline your fundraising plan.

How should funding be allocated across your nonprofit?

An integral part of crafting your fundraising plan is settling on a budget. Not only will this budget empower your organization to achieve your fundraising goals, but it will also be shaped by how effective your past budgets have been.

Account for the source of your income before allocating it to your various expenses. One way to clearly identify where funding will come from is by crafting a budget chart. This chart should reflect:

  • Specific sources of income.
  • Specific expenses.
  • Income and expenses from previous years.

With this information in hand, your team can better decide whether or not an expense is reasonable for next year’s budget as well as craft your fundraising plan to account for trends from past budgets.

An example of a fundraising calendar for the month of January.

#3. Create a fundraising plan calendar.

Use a fundraising calendar when crafting your fundraising plan.

Do you have a fundraising calendar in place?

Crafting out a fundraising calendar is an important part of developing your nonprofit’s fundraising plan.

Mark the dates of campaign beginning and endpoints, budget meetings, board meetings and more in this fundraising calendar. 

Even further, your nonprofit should share this calendar across the different departments of your organization to help keep everyone on the same page when accomplishing the tasks in your fundraising plan.

Remain flexible when necessary, but try to use the calendar as a way to track the progress of your fundraising efforts.

A gift range chart template.

#4. Create a gift range chart for your fundraising plan.

Use a gift range chart when crafting your fundraising plan.

How will your fundraising goal be achieved?

When developing your fundraising plan, your nonprofit should create a gift range chart to identify what is necessary to achieve your fundraising goals.

Gift range charts help nonprofits plan out campaigns by breaking down fundraising goals into smaller, more manageable benchmarks.

With a gift range chart, your team can see:

  • The size of gifts necessary to meet your goal.
  • The number of prospects needed to supply these gifts.
  • The total proportion of your fundraising goal accounted for in each gift range.

Armed with this information, your team is better able to identify prospects for giving, which provides you useful information to use when crafting your constituent engagement strategy.

An example of a case for support.

#5. Create your case for support.

Create a case for support when creating your fundraising plan.

What is your case for support?

Prospects need to have a compelling reason to give to your organization and there is no better way to grab their attention than by creating a dynamic case for support.

Your case for support needs to be specific and actionable – no one wants to give their money to an organization without clear direction.

Your team should be sure to include:

  • A clear mission statement.
  • A brief history of your nonprofit.
  • Your specific fundraising goals.
  • Your gift range chart.
  • A detailed overview of what your organization will achieve with their support.

Community-specific appeals can highlight how a nonprofit impacts a community and how their network of local support is integral to the organization’s success.

Check out how we serve the Cleveland, Ohio area to get an idea of how a local consultant can impact your team’s fundraising approach.

An example of a campaign chart.

#6. Plan out your campaign.

Create a campaign chart when outlining your fundraising plan.

How will you execute your fundraising campaign?

Your team should ensure that you do not encounter any surprises over the course of your fundraising campaign. The best way to get prepared? Your nonprofit should diligently break down the logistics of your upcoming fundraising projects.

Using a campaign planning chart, identify as much relevant information as you can relating to your projects, such as:

  • Date, time, location and attendance.
  • The cost of the project (payroll expenses, marketing budget, cost of venue etc.).
  • Goals associated with your projects.

By taking the time to lay out this information, your team can more effectively delegate tasks among departments, set aside money in your budget for these projects and overcome potential roadblocks before they pose a real issue.

An example of an annual fundraising calendar.

#7. Delegate fundraising plan tasks among your team members.

Use a calendar matrix to help outline your fundraising plan.

Who is responsible for your campaign tasks?

To successfully achieve your fundraising goals, your nonprofit should diligently delegate fundraising activities across your organization. One way to optimize role delegation is to use a calendar matrix.

A calendar matrix helps team members in varying roles across your nonprofit stay on top of their work by outlining fundraising activities by department.

In your calendar matrix, include logistical details to improve your team’s understanding of the big picture of your fundraising campaign. These details may include:

  • Costs associated with events or projects.
  • Anticipated fundraising income from each activity.
  • Personnel required to carry out activities.

Every team member should contribute to achieving your nonprofit’s fundraising goals. By using a calendar matrix, you help those in different departments see how their work fits into the big picture of your organization.

This infographic includes the essential fundraising plan templates needed for better fundraising.
Looking for more resources to help built your fundraising strategy? Explore The Nonprofit Store today.

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