Stay informed with our news, tips and resources designed to help you be successful in your mission.

What your wealthiest donors want you to know…
What your wealthiest donors want you to know…

We spend a lot of time in the office talking about where philanthropy is headed. Changing donor demographics and new technology are turning the current fundraising model upside down, and there are significant changes on the horizon. It’s a fascinating topic that impacts the nonprofit community in real, tangible ways. Are you staying informed on trends in giving?

Are you using this information to evaluate your current processes and make adjustments? Are you seizing opportunities to use technology and create new partnerships?

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Open Position: Development Director at LACC [Apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy by October 28]
Open Position: Development Director at LACC [Apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy by October 28]

Los Angeles Conservation Corps Seeks Development Director – The Los Angeles Conservation Corps is seeking a versatile, experienced Development Director who is eager to positively impact the lives of young people. The ideal candidate is a personable, business-minded individual who is comfortable in a no-frills environment, willing to pitch in where needed, and thrives on variety and teamwork…

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5 Simple Tips to Jump-Start Your Digital Fundraising Efforts
5 Simple Tips to Jump-Start Your Digital Fundraising Efforts

What are the best online platforms for crowdfunding and other digital fundraising campaigns? We get asked that question all of the time. And the truth is, there are many options available but not one that meets every nonprofit’s needs or preferences. While we can’t (and won’t) recommend a specific platform, we do offer five simple tips to guide your efforts…

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Conquer Q4 with 3 Key Tasks!
Conquer Q4 with 3 Key Tasks!

If you’re like us, seeing Labor Day in our rearview mirror is bittersweet. While we’re ready for fall routines and traditions, we don’t want the longer, warmer, lazier days of summer to end. But it’s undeniable: the end of the year is upon us. If you use a paper calendar, you’ve ripped out the “re-order” page. If you work with budgets, your three-month projections run through December. December?!

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What is lifestyle philanthropy and why should you care?
What is lifestyle philanthropy and why should you care?

Giving is more integrated into everyday behaviors and events than ever before, leading to a phenomenon we like to call “lifestyle philanthropy.” We think it’s pretty great, because it makes philanthropy accessible to everyone and raises awareness of important issues like hunger, disease and homelessness…

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Tips for keeping your strategic plan alive!
Tips for keeping your strategic plan alive!

At Aly Sterling Philanthropy, we’re certified strategic-planning enthusiasts. We love to plan. And we really enjoy guiding organizations and their leaders through the process of setting vision and goals to boost their missions. Which is why we get a little sad to hear about…

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Highlights from the Giving Institute Summer Conference
Highlights from the Giving Institute Summer Conference

Last week I had the good fortune of attending a summer conference in Boston hosted by the Giving Institute, the organization behind Giving USA. It was an outstanding experience! The speakers were one-of-a-kind and the content was entertaining, weighty and meaningful. I was excited to meet other advisors to the nonprofit sector and talk shop: how to stay current and keep improving our services to drive innovation and real change in communities…

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Open Position: Annual Campaign Manager at TMA [Apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy]
Open Position: Annual Campaign Manager at TMA [Apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy]

Toledo Museum of Art Open Position – Under the direction of the Director of Development, the Annual Campaign Manager plans, directs, and implements effective annual fundraising efforts for the Toledo Museum of Art’s membership programs. The Annual Campaign Manager supervises the Membership Sales Manager, who oversees TMA’s General Membership program and Visitor Services Team…

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Did you find these trends in the new Giving USA data?
Did you find these trends in the new Giving USA data?

We have to admit, we weren’t expecting much “new” in the 2014 Giving USA numbers released last week. But then we reviewed them and listened to the analysis. And it was pretty exciting to see that young donors and a recovering economy are directly impacting the nonprofit world. We’ve boiled these trends down into four key points that every mission can put to use…

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Part II: Onboard Your Board
Part II: Onboard Your Board

There can be an energy and excitement when adding new people to your board of directors. New skills! Fresh eyes! Eagerness and idealism! However, their eagerness and skills might not be fully utilized if their orientation and training as a board member falls short. How many of us have served on a board and not been entirely comfortable articulating its mission or programs?

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Open position: Executive Director of the Owens Community College Foundation [Apply by April 10]
Open position: Executive Director of the Owens Community College Foundation [Apply by April 10]

Owens Community College Foundation Seeks Executive Director – The Executive Director of the Owens Community College Foundation, in collaboration with the President/Chief Executive Officer, Director of Alumni Relations, and the Foundation Board of Directors, will serve as a College leader in raising private and annual revenue for the Foundation to provide for the current and future needs of Owens Community College and its students…

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