Stay informed with our news, tips and resources designed to help you be successful in your mission.

You’re invited to HAPPY HOUR with Aly Sterling Philanthropy
You’re invited to HAPPY HOUR with Aly Sterling Philanthropy

THE DONOR NEXT DOOR: Identifying and Cultivating Your Most Overlooked Revenue Source

While many of us spend 80% or more of our time cultivating the top one-third of our donor database, we know this exact same group is being tapped by the majority of nonprofits around us. So why do we keep competing for the usual suspects?

Read on for more information and RSVP by May 17…

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Traveling the world and ending up next door…
Traveling the world and ending up next door…

How fundraisers find donors in ALL the right places. When an organization begins a fundraising effort, it tends to be special events. We dream up creative new ways to hold auctions, cook-offs, bake sales and golf outings. While these events bring people in our door – regardless of whether they are interested in our cause or not – we quickly learn the return on investment (ROI) for these events is low…

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What Giving USA tells us about financial nest eggs and baskets
What Giving USA tells us about financial nest eggs and baskets

Although March is still roaring like a lion in some parts of the county, the calendar says we’re on the verge of spring… so it seems like an appropriate time to talk about nest eggs and baskets.

We’re referring, of course, to your nonprofit’s finances.

The inspiration (and source of data) for this conversation is the report Giving USA Philanthropy Spotlight: Benchmarking Giving to Human Services, released late last year…

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Movin’ on up…
Movin’ on up…

We’re pleased to announce that Kate Smith, CFRM, CNEL, has been promoted to director at Aly Sterling Philanthropy. Since joining ASP in December 2012, Kate has grown into a proven leader who oversees our strategic planning and executive search service lines. And we know her clients agree: they continuously…

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9 Capital Campaign Best Practices to Help You Succeed
9 Capital Campaign Best Practices to Help You Succeed

If you’re preparing for a capital campaign, then you’re probably becoming more and more aware of how much work goes into planning and running a fundraiser of this magnitude. Well, we’re here to tell you that there are ways you can keep your campaign on the right track. We have nine best practices to help you with your capital campaign.

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Planning Your Next Capital Campaign: 9 Steps to Success
Planning Your Next Capital Campaign: 9 Steps to Success

Launching a capital campaign is like moving into a new home. If you want the transition to your new home to run smoothly, you’ll need to plan ahead. The same can be said of capital campaigns; a lot of preparation goes into them so that your nonprofit can reach or even exceed your goals.

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6 Creative Capital Campaign Fundraising Ideas for Schools
6 Creative Capital Campaign Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Is your school building a new arts center or sports stadium? A capital campaign will help you raise the funds you need.
Capital campaigns are targeted fundraising efforts designed to accomplish a specific goal (i.e. the aforementioned buildings), and they’re usually implemented by private and independent schools or by colleges and universities.

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