How fresh are your donor love notes?

How fresh are your donor love notes?

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, I couldn’t resist thinking of the thousands of arrows Cupid will not send off. Who are these sad, forgotten souls? Move over ex-spouses and bad bosses, there’s an even more neglected category out there: Tier II donors.

ASP Earns Membership in the Giving Institute

ASP Earns Membership in the Giving Institute

We’re proud to announce that Aly Sterling Philanthropy has been approved for membership in the Giving Institute, a highly-respected (and exclusive) professional organization for the nonprofit consulting industry. The Giving Institute was founded in 1935 to champion thought leadership and develop extraordinary leaders in the world of philanthropy…

What your wealthiest donors want you to know…

What your wealthiest donors want you to know…

We spend a lot of time in the office talking about where philanthropy is headed. Changing donor demographics and new technology are turning the current fundraising model upside down, and there are significant changes on the horizon. It’s a fascinating topic that impacts the nonprofit community in real, tangible ways. Are you staying informed on trends in giving?

Are you using this information to evaluate your current processes and make adjustments? Are you seizing opportunities to use technology and create new partnerships?