Join us for Highest and Best: Three Key Practices to Engage Your Nonprofit Board
In this engaging half-day workshop, we’ll cover three key practices for deploying volunteer leaders and creating a healthy, engaged board.
WEDNESDAY | FEB. 7 | 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Greater Brighton Chamber of Commerce
Brighton, Michigan
This workshop is ideal for board members and nonprofit staff leaders – attending together is highly recommended. Register now, space is limited!

Three things to lift your nonprofit mission in good (tax) times and bad
The New Year is upon us and, as always, change is the only constant.
New tax laws have been enacted for 2018 that – according to media reports and other sources – have the potential of discouraging individuals from making billions of dollars-worth of charitable gifts to the nonprofit sector. If that were to happen, it would truly have an Armageddon-like effect on sector and, more importantly, our communities…

Nonprofit Succession Planning Checklist in 5 Simple Steps
When a key executive, staff or board member departs from your nonprofit, weathering the transition can be a balancing act. On one hand, your team will need to keep moving full speed ahead on your fundraising projects. On the other hand, without this important...