ASP’s prediction for top 5 philanthropy trends

ASP’s prediction for top 5 philanthropy trends

By Jen Pendleton, vice president-Indiana, Aly Sterling Philanthropy
Great nonprofit leaders, whether board or staff members, know when to pull out their crystal balls and anticipate what might be around the corner.
However, if you’ve been pressed for time during this busy season, take a shortcut and borrow our predictions. In order to aid your planning and strategic discussions, here are Aly Sterling Philanthropy’s top 5 predictions for biggest philanthropy trends for 2019 and beyond.

Register now for a free fundraising forecast webinar on Oct. 30

Register now for a free fundraising forecast webinar on Oct. 30

Are you wondering what cultural, economic and societal changes could impact your organization’s fundraising growth over the next 18 months?

Join Aly Sterling for a free webinar!

October 30, 2018
12 – 1 p.m.

Don’t miss this! Learn more and register…

Open Position: Senior Giving Specialist at ProMedica [Apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy]

Open Position: Senior Giving Specialist at ProMedica [Apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy]

This position is responsible for mid-level giving from individuals and businesses new to ProMedica. A successful candidate will effectively manage a portfolio of 100-150 giving prospects and donors, most of whom have not met with ProMedica’s philanthropy team face to face. View the position details and apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy online by November 2, 2018.