Four ways to apply the findings of Women Give 2019

Four ways to apply the findings of Women Give 2019

A report released last month by the IUPUI Women’s Philanthropy Institute validates what we’ve long observed: Generosity is not limited by race, ethnicity or gender.

The report, Women Give 2019, finds that generosity is a value shared by all communities, and that women across race and ethnicity are leading through philanthropy.

There’s more to the study, including the unique perspectives of women of color as well as information about how income and wealth disparity affect giving. However, the overall message is an important one: the face of philanthropy is diverse.

Don’t miss Gail Perry, register by Friday!

Don’t miss Gail Perry, register by Friday!

We’re bringing Gail Perry to AFP Detroit on April 25!

We’re excited to announce that we’ve teamed up with the Greater Detroit Chapter of AFP Michigan to host a one-day workshop on April 25 with Gail Perry, international fundraising consultant and author.

The workshop – Fire up your board for fundraising: Turn their passion into action – will share Gail’s secrets to igniting your board’s passion, changing their mindset about fundraising and setting them to work in easy roles that will directly impact the bottom line.

Read on for more information and to register…

Make every day a campaign day

Make every day a campaign day

Top 10 reasons why a “campaign mentality” will boost your overall fundraising program

campaign mentality (kamˈpān menˈtalədē) – noun A constant mindset and approach to fundraising that includes heightened communication, focused goals, intentional donor cultivation, powerful case stories and active board engagement fueled by a sense of urgency and purpose.

…In other words, acting like you are always in a campaign, even when you are not.

How does this apply to you?

Join us and EPIC for the Board Member Accelerator workshop in Toledo, March 21-22

Join us and EPIC for the Board Member Accelerator workshop in Toledo, March 21-22

Better boards make better nonprofits. And better nonprofits make better communities.

March 21, 2019 | 2 – 5 p.m. (Happy Hour 5 – 7 p.m.)

March 22, 2019 | 8 a.m. – noon

Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce
8th Floor Conference Room
300 Madison Ave
Toledo, OH 43604

Become a skilled, engaged board member – register now, space is limited!

Register now for ASP’s 2019 webinar series!

Register now for ASP’s 2019 webinar series!

We’re delivering FREE training every quarter with the aim of giving you actionable ideas and resources to take your mission to the next level.

FEB 26 / MAY 28 / AUG 27 / NOV 19

All you have to do is sign up, show up and put the information to work.

Don’t miss this opportunity – Register now!