Like many people, we get requests for donations from a myriad of organizations. And there are certain ones that we support every year with gifts of $25 or $50.
When tax season rolled around this year, we tallied up these donations and were surprised by how much we’d actually contributed.
We also realized that, aside from a generic thank-you note and the occasional newsletter, we hadn’t heard from those organizations until their next request for donations.
Why does this matter? Because many of us can give more than $25 to any one of these organizations.
We’d gladly put ALL our annual donor dollars (and more!) into one organization’s bucket if they would only inspire us to do so. If they would only acknowledge our regular giving.
Being in the fundraising business, we realize many organizations focus their personal cultivation on major gifts. But it’s a real mistake to overlook your annual fund donors. Think of the untapped and yet-to-be-inspired potential!
Do you know why your annual fund donors support your organization? Do you know who is supporting your organization at every level? Who are you overlooking?
Don’t spend time guessing. Pull a list of your regular $25 donors and start a conversation with a few of them. Use one (or all) of the ideas below – and listen to what they have to say. We bet it’ll be worth your time.
- Pull a list of your regular donors at all levels and pay attention to how, when and where they give. Learn something about them.
- Spice things up a bit. CALL a handful of these donors to thank them personally and ask why they give.
- Create focused communications for regular donors. Let them know they’re seen and special.
- Provide new ways to engage (not just giving!). For example, invite donors on site to see your mission in action.
- After you’ve laid the groundwork (above), ask/challenge regular donors to consider increasing their gifts this year.