Open Position: Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Lourdes University [Apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy]

Open Position: Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Lourdes University [Apply to Aly Sterling Philanthropy]

Lourdes University Seeks Vice President for Institutional Advancement. The Vice President for Institutional Advancement serves as the chief advancement officer, responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive program that includes donor identification and cultivation, major gifts, external relations, planned giving, and much more. Apply by end of day Friday, December 22, 2017.

5 Expert Steps for a Nonprofit Executive Transition Plan

5 Expert Steps for a Nonprofit Executive Transition Plan

When a nonprofit loses their executive director, the transition can be tough to weather. So much of a nonprofit’s identity is wrapped up in how this leader is perceived by the public, as well as how they shape the organization’s culture internally. Without a strong,...
Is American Generosity really on the decline?

Is American Generosity really on the decline?

Three tips for counteracting recent charitable headlines. You’ve probably seen these headlines recently:
Giving USA 2017: Total Charitable Donations Rise to New High of $390.05 Billion; How America Gives Special Report: Breaking the Charity Habit; and, American Generosity Declines in the 21st Century, Report Suggests

As you can see, the recent and somewhat contradictory charitable headlines can be confusing to all of us…

You’re invited to HAPPY HOUR with Jen Pendleton and Sarah K. Nathan

You’re invited to HAPPY HOUR with Jen Pendleton and Sarah K. Nathan

AMERICAN GENEROSITY: In a special report (How America Gives) released in October 2017, the Chronicle of Philanthropy revealed that fewer Americans are reporting charitable giving on their tax returns.

Is it really on the decline or are nonprofits missing the boat?

Join us on Thursday, Nov. 30, for free cocktails a discussion of the report’s findings and what they mean for the Indianapolis nonprofit community. Jen Pendleton, vice president of Aly Sterling Philanthropy, and Sarah Nathan, associate director of public programs at The Fund Raising School, will lead the discussion.

Read on for more information and RSVP by Nov. 22…

4 Ways to Get Better Information From Your Data

4 Ways to Get Better Information From Your Data

Sure, you’ve got data. Lots of data. Yet, somehow, the data aren’t working for you. You’re not getting the information you need to make good decisions. What’s the problem? Let’s look at one example: A circumscribed but potentially highly profitable way that nonprofits...