Use these lessons from the past to drive your crisis efforts now

Use these lessons from the past to drive your crisis efforts now

While the crisis we’re facing is unprecedented, fundraising during a crisis is not.

Our nonprofits and communities have seen each other through some challenging times. We’re talking about wars, race riots, the dot com bubble, 9/11 and natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes.

It’s a lot. And every time, we have risen to the challenge and taken care of each other.

Right now It’s helpful to consider the lessons and perspectives of past crisis. Check out this article…

Maintaining Motivation After the New Year: 5 Strategies

Maintaining Motivation After the New Year: 5 Strategies

There’s a certain suspension that takes place toward the end of the year, between the winter holidays and the New Year celebrations. Many businesses close, healthy eating practices are abandoned and people lay in wait for January (and a normal routine) to begin. While...
Strive for more than a new leader with your succession plan

Strive for more than a new leader with your succession plan

At a recent session of our popular board development workshop, The Board Series, one of the hot conversation topics for nonprofit leaders was succession planning. That’s right. They wanted to talk about how to best groom the next generation of leaders for their organizations. The timing is certainly right for this discussion. Most of us have noticed…

4 Actionable Tips for Better Nonprofit Fundraising

4 Actionable Tips for Better Nonprofit Fundraising

Fundraising invites philanthropic supporters to be involved in the causes they care about. Their generous contributions are the whole reason nonprofits can continue working toward their missions. Because of this, you’ll need to ensure these individuals stay engaged...